Thursday, 24 January 2013


Otišla je pre tačno dva meseca. Sve je prazno bez nje. Kuća se nije promenila. Vreme i dalje teče, sunce izlazi i zalazi...Ali, ništa nije isto. Ništa nije kako bi trebalo da bude.
Svaki dan je provodio vreme u njihovoj dnevnoj sobi. Sedeo bi u svojoj staroj fotelji sa naslonjačima i njenim ručnim radom ispod svojih nalakćenih ruku. Prelistavao je njihove požutele albume, sećao
Zvao ju je Hani. Imala je kosu boje meda, a usne su joj bile male i pune, i bile su najslađe usne na svetu koje je on ikada okusio. I, ma koliko to smešno i čudno izgledalo, oko nje su u proleće večito zujale pčela, ili dve, kada bi sedeli u bašti, ili kada bi izašli da se prošetaju.
Više nije mogao. Bez nje on nije bio on...Tolike godine... Našao ju je jednog dana kako bespomično leži na svojoj polovini njihovog bračnog kreveta, i spava. Užurbano je našao telefon i okrenuo broj. Za nekoliko minuta, kuća je bila prepuna nekih nepoznatih ljudi, a nje više nije bilo. Ljudi su otišli. Ona se nije vratila.
Sledećih par dana telefon je zvonio, stizali su telegrami. Nije se javljao, nije otvaro poštu. Zvali su i sin i ćerka, zabrinuti. Sedeo je u fotelji. Slušao je Baha, Granadosa, Šuberta, Vebera. I nije čuo. Bez nje, sva muzika je bila ista. Nije bilo nota, niti pauza, bila je samo jedna velika pauza – tišina. Rekao je gospođi koja sprema da više ne dolazi. Sve je bilo na onom mestu na kome treba da bude. Mala porodična kuća je bila ispunjena uspomenama. Ali je za njega sada bila ogromna. I potpuno prazna. Velika i hladna. Prostor bez dna.
Uveče, kada bi legao da spava, njena polovina kreveta je bila pusta. To mu je najteže padalo. Svako veče bi doneo tri velika jastuka, stavio tu gde je ona spavala, pokrio jorganom i ušuškao ih. Onda bi i on legao pored. Pre nego što bi zaspao, molio je da kada se probudi, ona bude tu pored. Ali, svako jutro bi se budio pored tri velika, ušuškana jastuka.
I onda je jedno veče, kao i svako drugo, doneo tri jastuka, pokrio ih brižno, ušuškao i legao pored da spava. I kada se probudio, video je kako Hani spokojno  leži pored njega, osetio je njenu toplinu. Pomilkio je po glavi, i nastavio mirno da spava...

45 58 0 N, 13 39 0 E


Thursday, 17 January 2013

Ispod tuje

kao voda ležiš zatrpan hiljadama tona kamenja i stena...

Zbog njega bih uspela ono što niko drugi nije.

Zbog njega pretvaram strah i samoću u igru i volju.

Zbog njega slušam kako krv teče kroz moje telo i brojim otkucaje srca.

Zbog njega bih kopala rukama vreo pustinjski pesak, ne bi li našla zrno koje nedostaje...

Zbog njega sam nemirna kao dete i nestalna kao vreme...

Zbog njega sanjam plave snove i volim da volim.

Zbog njega se smejem vrtlogu sušenog lišća i poljskim leptirima.

Zbog njega namigujem noću zvezdama na modrom nebu.

Zbog njega plešem sa duhovima, nevidljivim nitima koje nas povezuju.

Zbog njega vodim ljubav sa hladnim morem i toplim dunavskim vetrom.

Zbog njega čujem kako zrikavci zriču leto.

Zbog njega mogu da tečem kao reka drugačija iz dana u dan.

Zbog mene je bio... Zbog njega ću biti...

45 47 0 N, 19 7 0 E

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Prvi sneg

 Volela bi ovo. 
Tako je mirno.
Onako kada se samo
tišina čuje.

Sigurno si volela
da šetaš, pa da škripi...
Bele pahulje su ti se
zadržavale na trepavicama
i na kosi, a topile na

Prvi put od kada
znam za sebe da ne mogu
da te zovem i da ti

Lepo je.
Sigurno će vejati čitavu noć.
Možda zbog tebe i mene.
Da u zimi uživamo.

45 15 0 N, 19 51 0 E

Sunday, 6 January 2013

People in between

I belong to the people in between. I feel constant sadness inside, touched by the illogical things that surround me. You see, I am the one who believes that there is a choice. One can choose which life-paths they’ll take. However, if you are born in the part of the world I come from, senses show that could be barely logical way of reasoning. Sometimes I wonder where all that optimism flowing inside me comes from. The willingness to change and to help. To struggle. Yeah, that’s the right word.
Living between worlds does not give you an easy way. I get to travel a lot. Some would say I have an urge to travel. Escape from the self. I would say I have a curious mind, with an urge to travel. I learn about the life of people in other countries. I get inspired by them, by what I see, eat, hear, find out. This also brings addiction to constant food for thought. Somehow the experience gets clenched onto my body and soul. It wouldn’t let go ever. That’s how I bring it back where I live. I wouldn’t call it home. I feel home is more places than just the country I had been raised in. It’s anywhere you feel like it.
It’s never easy bringing this stuff back. It makes you want to change things. You see how things could be much better, and how it’s already much better somewhere else. More culture, greener way of thinking, more logical and safe. You would want to go back, and then again after a while try something new you haven’t tried before. And it’s repetitive, a circular form, a never ending loop. I would probably be the first one to say – fine, let’s do that! But you can’t. There are rules, visas, insurances, lack of funding, family…all those ties you’ve got prenatally, a sort of umbilical cord.
I’ve got some friends for whom I know feel the same. A home in LA and another across the ocean. When you are there, you’d like to be here, and vice-versa. There’s a pertinent feeling that you are missing some part of your life. Or when you live somewhere other than your own country with a constant tag of an unaccustomed stranger above your head. You glow in a different pattern; you cannot be assimilated no matter what you did. But then again, the situation is the same when you’re finally in your mother country. It just feels different. You tell stories about the other home, referring to it with a tad of nostalgia.
Sometimes I have a need to apologise for other people’s behaviour. As if their nationality pattern would influence my tag too. I realise how some are not educated or got used to behave in an expected and logical manner. I see that I cannot influence that, and it hurts at the surface. Except that I opt to shake it off with an attempt of reconciliation, but not yet that perilous indifference.
 In the end, it is so important to get it over, to feel home beneath your skin. That’s the right cure. And not to judge people, especially not based on the passports they got.
When I meet people, I can feel that I am a part of everyone’s soul. I can recognize a piece of me in everyone. It comforts me and frightens me both. I try to find what’s best and take it with me, no matter where I am. When the disappointment and disgust crawl under my skin again, I run. Away from the past. I can feel time slowly slipping away. I can see images of future. The way I think it should look like. I am trying to catch up with the future moment. To change it with every atom of my flesh. 
51 31 0 N, 7 28 0 E - 45 15 0 N, 19 51 0 E


listen to: lana del rey. ride