Saturday 22 February 2014

What I really hate about us

*Speaking low about someone from our own team, when we should really support them.

*We are so indifferent not only to the society but to things that are directly influencing our lives, when we should really become involved.

*Imposing our own attitudes, when we should be capable of listening and learning from others.

*In each situation there is the other perceived as the enemy, when this is actually materialisation of our inner fear.

 *We rarely focus on doing. We should really focus more on the tasks,  not on who's to blame.

*We are never aware that too many cooks spoil the broth. With us – it’s almost always too many cooks.
*We don’t encourage and support people with ideas,
 we are envious and bitter.

*We tend to make fake promises we are not even sure we can stick to, instead of being supportive and saying to the others what they can expect from us. 

*We are able to adjust to any possible or impossible situation just when we think we’ll have some benefit.

*We tend to follow instead of create.

*We don’t know how to plan things and respect other people’s time, when we should really be honest and modest. 

*We tend to speak too much and say too little. 

*That this list is becoming too long.

43 19 09 N 21 53 46 E

Sunday 2 February 2014

Za svo lišće na svetu

Drago lišće,
Iz pupoljka razvija se novi dan. Radujte se suncu i vetru, plešite na kiši. Verujte u zimske snove i dok lagano padate i donosite sreću prolaznicima u jesen. Zastaćemo svi zajedno ovde dole i postaćemo jedno. A kada ponovo sunce grane, kroz sićušne delove, srešćemo se opet. Vinućemo se u visine i veselo pokušavati vrhovima da dodirnemo oblake i zvezde. Budite bez brige, život je lep. 

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